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Westbay Jackson Map

Stylish One-Bedroom Apartments in Jackson, MI

Come home to an apartment that fits your tastes, your needs, and your budget when you live at Westbay Club Jackson in Jackson, MI. Our spacious one- and two-bedroom apartments offer all you’ll need to thrive. With large galley kitchens, roomy living spaces, and private patio decks, you’ll love the accommodations that are present in our units. Our community is only minutes away from popular shopping, dining, and entertainment venues, and our on-site maintenance and tenant service personnel can see to your every need. When you want an affordable and stylish place to call your own, Westbay Club Jackson is your best choice.

1 Bedroom Apartments Starting at $800 per month

  • Efficiency (550 sqft)
  • Garden (600 sqft)
  • Balcony (650 sqft)

Quality Amenities

Our one-bedroom apartments offer spacious cabinetry, modern lighting, and the latest kitchen appliances to ensure you have everything you need to enjoy your stay. Our kitchen and bathrooms feature modern refrigerators, stoves, garbage disposals, and showers, and we offer secure on-site parking, free refuse pickup, and laundry facilities. Other amenities for each apartment include:

  • Free heat and water
  • A full kitchen with a dishwasher, garbage disposal, refrigerator, and stove
  • Fully carpeted living areas, smoke alarms, a ceiling fan, air conditioners, a walk-in closet, and more
  • A community clubhouse and oversized pool
  • Private patio decks are available in certain units
  • And more

A Thriving Community

When you come home to Westbay Club Jackson, you’ll know you’ve made the right choice. The community of Westbay Club Jackson is known for its inclusive atmosphere, lush landscaping, and quality amenities that include:

  • An oversized pool and clubhouse
  • Sunning decks
  • Private patios in select units
  • On-site secure parking
  • Laundry facilities
  • On-site security and 24/hour maintenance service
  • A convenient location near local shopping, dining, and entertainment venues

We’re happy to answer all your questions and offer affordable rental contracts that will fit your budget. Enjoy all our community has to offer by contacting us online or visit us in Jackson, MI, to see our latest available units.

The Space You Need for the Price You Want

Our one-bedroom apartments offer roomy interiors, modern amenities and lighting, well-maintained grounds, and various storage options to meet your needs. These units often sell out due to their size, feature-rich appliances, and affordable pricing. Whether you want to enjoy gorgeous views of our grounds and clubhouse or make a meal with friends and family in your fully equipped kitchen, the apartments at Westbay Club Jackson are designed for your everyday life. Learn more about the features and amenities we offer by connecting with our rental office in Jackson, MI, today.

Contact Us for a Rental Property Tour Today