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Westbay Jackson Map

Quality Two-Bedroom Apartments in Jackson, MI

Westbay Management Company wants you to feel at home. So, come and take a look at our beautifully landscaped apartments for rent at Westbay Club Jackson. You may just want to stay! Our two-bedroom apartments are well maintained and offer modern appliances, spacious living areas, and exceptional community facilities that will make you feel at home. Our rates are very reasonable, and we’re happy to answer all your questions or provide you with a tour of available units. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

2 Bedroom Apartments Starting at $870 per month

  • Garden (850 sqft)
  • Balcony (900 sqft)

Full Kitchen and Bathroom Amenities

Enjoy spacious cabinetry, modern lighting, and the latest kitchen appliances when you live at Westbay Club Jackson. Our kitchen and bathrooms feature modern refrigerators, stoves, garbage disposals, and showers, and you won’t lack for space with large closets and storage options in every unit. Other amenities for each apartment include:

  • Free heat and water
  • A full kitchen with a dishwasher, garbage disposal, refrigerator, and stove
  • Fully carpeted living areas, smoke alarms, a ceiling fan, air conditioners, a walk-in closet, and more
  • Free on-site refuse pickup
  • And more

A Community You’ll Love to Live In

They say home is where you hang your hat. Why not hang your hat in a comfortable and spacious apartment at Westbay Club Jackson? Westbay Club Jackson is an ideal complex for young families, urban professionals, and people who’re looking for modern comforts and convenience at an affordable price. Our community is situated near Jackson and Lansing, MI, and only minutes away from favorite local eateries, theaters, bars, and stores. Our community also offers:

  • Laundry facilities and additional storage
  • Covered on-site parking
  • Security buildings with an intercom and 24-hour emergency maintenance service
  • A community pool and clubhouse

Find out more by calling us today to schedule a tour. When you come to Westbay Club Jackson, you’re coming home.

Spacious Bedrooms and Living Areas

Whether you want to enjoy a sleepy Sunday in bed or sit on your private balcony overlooking our pool and clubhouse, we offer spacious bedrooms and living areas for families of all sizes. Our two-bedroom apartments are well maintained and clean and offer state-of-the-art appliances, plush carpeting, and modern lighting. Our monthly rates are very affordable, and our on-site service team is happy to answer any questions you have or see to any maintenance need. Connect with our rental office today to schedule a tour.

Contact Us for a Rental Property Tour Today