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Ramblewood Property Map by Westbay Management

Spacious Two-Bedroom Apartments in Lansing, MI

When you step into a spacious, fully equipped apartment at Westbay Club Lansing, you’re stepping into modern comfort and style. Our luxury two-bedroom apartments come standard with modern kitchen appliances, plush carpeting, plenty of storage space, and stylishly designed living areas. You can enjoy an open layout and all the features our community has to offer. All our units are affordably priced, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Connect with our rental office now to find out what units may be available. At Westbay Club Lansing, we’ll strive to see you’re more than satisfied during your stay.

2 Bedroom Apartments Starting at $880 per month

  • Efficiency(550 sqft)
  • Garden (600 sqft)
  • Balcony (650 sqft)

Deluxe Kitchen and Bathrooms

Where else can you enjoy large kitchens, deluxe bathrooms, and the latest appliances for a very reasonable rental rate? At Westbay Club Lansing, we cater to your needs by offering modern refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, and garbage disposals in every unit. Our two-bedroom apartments also offer a spacious open layout, plush carpeting, and modern lighting packages. Our two-bedroom units begin at $840 per month, and we offer all tenants full access to our laundry facilities, clubhouse, and indoor pool. When you want affordable style, comfort, and convenience in an apartment in Lansing, MI, we’re your best choice.

State-of-the-Art Community Facilities

If you’re searching for a well-maintained, secure, and beautiful community to call home, consider Westbay Club Lansing in Lansing, MI. Our apartments offer luxury amenities, and our communal areas offer exceptionally convenient features and services that include:

  • A clubhouse with an indoor pool
  • Laundry facilities and additional storage
  • Covered on-site parking
  • Security buildings with an intercom and 24-hour emergency maintenance service

Learn more by contacting us today. When you live at Westbay Club Lansing, you’ll know you’ve made the right choice.

Minutes From Downtown

As Lansing’s premier apartment complex, we offer quality units with luxury features and fun and convenient community facilities and amenities, and we’re located just minutes away from Lansing’s thriving shopping district. Go out for a night on the town with friends or host a private event in our clubhouse. It’s all possible when you live at Westbay Club Lansing. Our team of security personnel, maintenance crew, and service representatives will be happy to answer your questions and see to your needs. Contact us now for more information or to schedule a tour of our most recent available units.

Call today to schedule a tour of our two-bedroom apartments.

Contact Us for a Rental Property Tour Today